The History of Football: Facts and Theories
Have you ever wondered how and when did football emerge? Were there ancient tribes who used to kick balls made of dirt and plants and call it a game? Did it first appear in England, Greece, Italy, or another part of the world? If you wish to find the answers to these and more questions regarding the history of football, please, continue reading.
The History of Football: How, When, and Where?
- One theory states that the earliest form of football dates back to Mesoamerican times. During that period, Aztecs had used a ball made of rock. However, during that era, manoeuvring with the round object was not seen only as a game. On the contrary, the stone ball would symbolize the sun, and the losing team’s members in the competition would have to sacrifice one person from their group to the gods.
- Other writings claim that the very first form of football appeared in the Aboriginal tribes. In the 1800s, the ball-kicking game was a big thing. The clan would form several teams consisting of a few people and would spend hours passing around a ball made of mud, leaves, and roots with their feet. Unlike Aztecs, Aboriginal tribes wouldn’t sacrifice anyone from the losing team.
- Cuju is another game that’s believed to be the first football-like game in the world. It involves kicking a ball into a net. Just like soccer, with Cuju hands were not allowed, as well. The history of this ancient entertaining activity dates back to the Han Dynasty. During this period, the popularization of Cuju became immense.
- Episkyros was the Ancient Greeks’ form of football. The game was mostly played by men; however, a good number of women were also enthusiastic about participating in the competitions. The sport was played between two teams, each one consisting of 12 to 14 players. The ball-passing game had to be played with feet, not hands, and at times it was pretty violent.
- Ancient Romans had a game called Harpastum. Even though it was not a common form of entertainment in the amphitheaters, soldiers were very passionate about this sport. Any participant needed to have considerable experience in sports since Harpastum required fast speed, agility, and a lot of endurance. Surveys show that the game was savage, and participants often ended up unconscious due to the severe hits players were giving each other.
- And the last theory we’ll talk about is probably the most believable one since it focuses on football’s development in England. It’s believed that all forms of football date back to the 12th century when ball-kicking games were played on fields. People would gather together in large groups to watch and participate in that incredibly cherished activity.
First, it was played only by the army, but soon after, the game entered the royal courts and the homes of the upper class. After some time, the original feather ball was replaced by an air-filled ball. The game became even more prevalent during the Song Dynasty. There were even professional Cuju teams that would perform for the royal court. Cuju was also played in Korea, Vietnam, and Japan.
The History of Football: Facts
- There is mention of football being played in the Cambridge University back in 1710. Not only was it a discipline exercised in the academy, but a huge number of students would gather to play the game after the end of classes. Also, there are claims that some students would skip their lectures in order to play football with their acquaintances.
- Football was forbidden in England for a certain period of time due to the aggression it would cause among players and spectators. There were cases of people being severely injured and some of them being killed. That was the major reason for the game’s proclamation for more than two centuries. Even though it became legal in the 17th century, its success did not last long because back in 1835, it was banned again.
- At the beginning of its emergence football did not have specific rules. Players only knew that they had to use their feet instead of their hands to move the ball. Several meetings took place over the years, but the individuals participating in them could still not decide on the precise rules of the game. Later, it was decided that the number of players on the field could vary.
- The very first football clubs appeared in 15th century. However, they were not official, but rather a group of people gathered together to have some fun. Notwithstanding, in 1824, the first official football team appeared in Edinburgh. In the beginning, the matches would take place only in the particular cities and towns of the clubs. After a few years, however, they started travelling to other places to compete against other teams. A few decades later, namely in 1930, FIFA World Cup became a reality, and football’s popularity and reputation became enormous.
Final Thoughts
As you can see from all information imparted above, the history of football is a vast topic that can be explored every day, and every day you can find new data suggesting different theories. We’ve tried to deliver the most captivating speculations and the most believable facts concerning the sports discipline. Please, don’t hesitate to share your thoughts with us. We’ll gladly read every comment you wish to make about the emergence of our favorite sport.